
我出生在米蘭, 意大利, 在六月 1971. 自從我童年起,我就因為父親的工作而開始沿著義大利搬家。 我第一次來紐約是為了獲得旅遊獎勵,當時我 17, 但我只看到了曼哈頓和其他一點. Almost a year later I came again and I was fascinated and enchanted by this City.

如果我沒有在這次旅行中遇到 Carlo Medori,這一切都不會發生, 我非常感謝他向我展示了這座城市的真正本質. 他對壁畫的熱衷以及在人跡罕至的街道和充滿生機的街區感染了我. 我們的友誼隨著時間的推移而加強,當我來到紐約​​市時,我不會失去見到他的機會,讓他向我通報紐約市正在發生的事情, 主要是藝術, 文化和政治領域.

Since now I’ve travelled a lot around the world but I just can not stay away from New York City for a long time, because I really feel a newyorker inside. That’s the only place I could call Home, the only City where I can enjoy and completely relax myself. It seem even my little baby girl loves to come there, so I’m so so happy! She has some mum’s DNA!

Now I’m working on this project and I have to thanks my husband Stefano for the effort he puts in the construction of the site in its entirety; I have to thank Giorgio Guglielmi, a great man that I knew some time ago and pressed me to go on working on this project; he’s a man I can always count on.

This project is in memory of my lovable father and a special woman and poetress as Delfina Provenzali, who had always believed in me.