斯蒂法諾·蘇達蒂(Stefano Sudati)

我是12月出生的 1968 在米蘭, 意大利.

我遇見了我未來的妻子, 勞拉, 參加了她在米蘭的個展,從那時起我們就建立了一個幸福的家庭.

我喜歡和她一起旅行很多次,我知道他多麼喜歡紐約市, 所以我開始跟隨她的旅行. I love photography and work as manager in a web, multimedia & design company.

That’s why I am a valuable aid in the construction of this site in its entirety; I have learned so much in building this website and I am very proud of it.

I love to help my wife to achive her goal and I know how important this project is for her.