Laura Sartori

Jag är född i Milano, Italien, i juni 1971. Sedan min barnskog började jag flytta längs Italien på grund av min fars jobb. Första gången jag kom till New York var för ett resepris när jag var 17, men jag såg precis Manhattan och lite annat. Almost a year later I came again andLäs mer

Stefano Sudati

I was born on December 1968 in Milan, Italien. I met my future wife, Laura, in her solo exhibition in Milan and since there we have built an happy family. I love travelled a lot with her and I knew how he loved New York City, so I began to follow her in her trips. … Läs mer

Carlo Medori

He is the man who had infected me with his keen on murales and on few-travelled streets and quarters full of life. He seems so rude, but if you begin to know his so well, he has a great heart. He’s so special for me and he is a wealth of knowledge mostly in art, cultureLäs mer


If you would like to contribute, sending me your pictures taken in New York City, we could open a new page; we could even make a contest about the most voted picture of the month/week. Of course there will be your name and copyright on your pictures. All feedbacks and suggestions to improve the websiteLäs mer